Happy Tail for Elwood!

Happy Tail for Elwood!

elwood1“A happy tail for Lucky”- sounds a bit like a children’s book. If it were it would most likely be more about the people Lucky brought a happy ending to. We adopted Lucky (now Elwood) and he has been a blessing in our lives since Brenda and Stormy first brought him by a month ago. We are recent home buyers and felt a “fur-baby” would make our house a home. I will admit that I was the driving force behind our adoption as I sought out the right organization to adopt from and posted countless links to John’s Facebook messenger as each new dog was added to the webpage. There were dogs that came and went that we thought had the potential to be the right one but never so much so that we filled out the application. Then Lucky’s post came up. I remember his eyes being the first thing I noticed. They are the most beautiful mosaic of gold and brown. I did as I had done a bunch of times before and copy/pasted the link to his profile into a message to John. And for the first time he agreed that this might be our dog. We filled out our application online and then waited. During that time I unfortunately lost my grandmother to cancer. Time seemed to be dragging on and I would text John daily to see if we had heard anything. It was a much needed distraction from the heaviness of what was going on. I returned from the funeral and we are contacted within 24 hours. We set up an appointment for the house tour and looked forward to that Friday. Before the tour we were warned that Lucky was not only a “high flight risk” but he had serious medical concerns that we would need to take care of for the rest of his life. We decided we still wanted to meet him and moved forward with the home tour. 


Brenda arrived for our home tour and started getting to know us. We were all in the living room when I looked out the front window to see a man walking a beautiful black dog. I commented “See, he gets a dog! Why can’t we?” Then, to my surprise he turned up the walkway to our house. Stormy arrived with Lucky and they were both welcomed into our home. We went to the back yard so the back fence could be inspected. Finding it a suitable height and secure enough we agreed that night to start our 2 week trial and we haven’t looked back since. Lucky has since been renamed and has adjusted quickly to our pattern of life. He sleeps on his own bed on the floor at the foot of our bed. He has finished his antibiotics and walks free of pain or limping. We walk two times a day to help him get to know the neighborhood and he is taking to the leash well. He is still shy around most men and has become a bit of a mama’s boy because of it. (Can’t say that I mind.) He has made a weekend excursion to the lakes for guys’ weekend and did well on a tether in the yard. We are planning on obedience and trust training this fall and winter to continue to grow together as a family and challenge his very intelligent mind. He sleeps most of the day and enjoys a good game of fetch. We couldn’t be more grateful to everyone who helped catch, treat and keep him safe until he landed in our arms. We love him so much and couldn’t imagine life in our home without him.

Laura Mio & John Langdahl