Happy Tail for Kody!

Happy Tail for Kody!

 We adopted Kody and he has been with us for over a month now. We are so happy and thankful that he has joined our family. He is always happy and sweet and greets us with his little smile when we come home from work and school. After just a few days of being shy and nervous, he now happily calls us his own as evidenced by his affection and protection. He lets us know when strangers visit, but listens and is okay as soon as he knows we are okay. Kody is happy to let us know when he needs to go out, and does not have accidents. He loves to run and fetch his toys for us. He enjoys going for walks with us but we sometimes need to carry him the last few blocks, when he gets tired. It is so fun to sit and watch TV or work on homework with a little friend next to you. Thank you again for allowing us to adopt Kody and make him a part of our family! The work you do is so important and valuable.


Paula, Allie and Camryn