04 Jul Happy Tail for Remi
It’s been 2 weeks since I adopted Remi and what a joy it’s been having her around. I met Remi at a meet the dogs event at PetSmart. I fell in love with her right away. She has definitely filled a void in my life. I live alone and having her as my companion has been a blessing. I was diagnosed with bipolar, depression and generalized anxiety so having her cheer me up when I’m having a bad day. We go for 2 walks a day and she does great. She knows when we are going somewhere when I grab my shoes and gets so excited she lays on them for belly rubs. She also knows when I’m going to work when I grab my boots and gives me sad puppy eyes. There are a lot of rabbits in the neighborhood and she shows a lot of excitement when she sees them. Every once in awhile she’ll try to chase them but when the leash gets snug, she stops. I want to thank 4 Luv of Dog Rescue for doing what they do. There’s so many great dogs waiting for their forever home. My hope is one day all rescue organizations will be put out of business.
Thank you again,
Remi and Nathan